Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Senior Writer's Thoughts #6

Sixth in a series of reflections from our writers aged 70 and up, The Permanent Press presents: "Senior Writer's Thoughts"

From Bill Eisner: A writer’s life is his working capital: the people he has known, the situations he has encountered, the places he has seen, the experiences he has had. Older folks simply have more to draw from. Much of my own writing  was inspired by the lives of the people I have known, but once a person is transposed to fiction and given the roundness and completeness that fiction demands, he or she is so changed as to be unrecognizable even to the person who inspired the character. When you are older, you have seen and done enough to provide sufficient material for a lifetime of writing.

Bill Eisner's first novel, The Sévigné Letters, was adapted for the stage and played at the Lobero Theater in Santa Barbara. A collection of his short fiction, entitled Done In By Innocent Things, was published by GreyCore Press. Some forty of Eisner’s short stories have appeared in various literary magazines. His novels, Athena and Fault Line,  were published in 2009 and 2010 respectively. 

Look for his next novel, The Stone Lion, coming from The Permanent Press in February 2013!